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Compliance and Fraud, Waste and Abuse

Compliance & Ethics HelpCenter

To report potential compliance, FWA or privacy violations, call the toll-free hotline at 1-800-455-4521, 24 hours a day, seven days a week. You may choose to remain anonymous. We have a nonretaliation policy to protect any person that reports a potential violation.

Compliance and FWA Programs

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) requires that each Medicare Advantage Organization and Part D Sponsor implement an effective Compliance Program. These requirements are detailed in CMS’ Prescription Drug Benefit Manual, Chapter 9, and in CMS’ Medicare Managed Care Manual, Chapter 21. The documents below provide information on Peoples Health’s Compliance Program, including Peoples Health’s FWA Program.

Download Compliance Referral Form PDF

Download Fraud, Waste and Abuse Allegation Referral Form PDF


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